VPT Math Test Prep

Prepare for the VPT with a teacher. Place out of remedial college math.


What is the Virginia Placement Test?

The Virginia Placement Test, or VPT, is a computerized assessment used by colleges to determine whether new students are ready to succeed in college courses. The VPT test is untimed and covers skills in English and math. Students who don't meet the college readiness benchmark will need to enroll in remedial or corequisite classes, so you'll want to be ready to achieve a high score. Don't take the exam until you've completed VPT test prep and reaped the benefits provided by one of the many online resources for VPT help.

What kind of math is on a VPT placement test?

The questions on a VPT math placement test include concepts from pre-algebra and geometry but concepts from algebra comprise the majority of the assessment. A good VPT math test prep course can help you map out a study path that includes the individual topics that you need to learn. In particular, your VPT math prep should challenge you with the following skills.

  • Operations on fractions, decimals, and percentages.
  • Perimeter, area, volume, and Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Basic algebra skills such as integers, evaluating, and simplifying expressions.
  • Equations, inequalities, systems of equations, graphing, and linear equations.
  • Functions, exponents, factoring, quadratics, and polynomial equations.
  • Rational and radical expressions and equations.

What does my VPT score mean?

Your VPT test score may be one of the multiple measures that your advisor uses in planning which classes are appropriate for you. To avoid spending time and paying tuition for courses that don't award college credit, make a rigorous agenda for VPT test prep. At least four weeks before your scheduled exam date, begin a VPT practice course. Daily sessions with a VPT study guide along with a few trial runs with a VPT practice test can make a big difference in your overall success!

Is the VPT math multiple choice?

The VPT math test includes a variety of question types including multiple choice, matching, true or false, and free response. While many students prefer multiple choice questions, they can actually be more difficult. If facing exam questions that aren't multiple choice seems daunting, don't give in to fear. Take a VPT math practice test to become familiar with the format. Then use the results to set up a plan for VPT math test prep, working on the specific areas that you need to improve. You can always find VPT math help online. Spending a month or more with daily VPT math practice will give you the assurance you need to tackle the problems on the exam.

How do I prepare for my VPT math placement test?

Here is a list of ideas to help you prepare for the VPT math placement test.

  • Single out the precise math topics that you need to learn with the help of an online VPT math study guide.
  • Decide that your success is worth some effort. Then put in the time it takes for VPT math prep.
  • Familiarize yourself with test taking skills. Then try them out with a VPT math practice test.
  • Replace exam related stress with the assurance that you can pass the VPT math.